Privacy Policy

No first party data collection

I don’t collect, store or process any personal information related to you. No cookies or social media plugins are used on this website. I try not to be evil.

Sharing posts

Visitors may share links of my posts with a share button powered by the Web Share API. This API utilizes the sharing mechanisms of the underlying operating system including the system clipboard, email, contacts, bluetooth and messaging applications. Tracking might be applicable depending on which third party service you choose to share with.

Posts on my website may contain links to other websites. These websites may collect information, insert cookies or track your online presence. I have no control and therefore am not responsible for the privacy practices and content of these websites. But I try to be as transparent as possible about external links.

Hosted by GitHub

This website is hosted by GitHub in the USA using GitHub Pages. GitHub may collect User Personal Information from visitors including logs of visitor IP addresses to comply with legal obligations and to maintain the security and integrity of the GitHub website and service. The privacy practices of GitHub can be found on